Juliano Zaffino (he/they) is the founder, director, and chief curator at YourShelf. Jay hosts The YourShelf Podcast and is editor and publisher at The YourShelf Press.

Jay is a writer of poetry and fiction. Their first book of poems, All Those Bodies And They’re Moving, was published in 2020 by The YourShelf Press. Jay is currently working on a debut novel and maybe a memoir.

As well as YourShelf and their writing, Jay is completing a PhD on ‘Cutting Shakespeare’, and takes on freelance editing and proof-reading work. Jay also reads and reviews books avidly: including a “book a day” project for 2021 (reviews posted on Instagram and Twitter). Jay has also reviewed books for online literary journals Severine and Lunate.

To get in touch with Jay, try social media (@jayzaff) or email.
